
Strategy and performance

Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

Our strategy is based on our heritage, our expertise, our relevance, and our global presence. Inspired by hundreds of hours of engagement with our entire multi-campus community, our new strategy is the culmination of a global conversation about our future.

Shaping Tomorrow Together is a values-led strategy seeking to embed our four guiding values – inspire, collaborate, belong and celebrate - into everything we do.

Focused on our vision for excellence, our mission to benefit society, and our ethos and values, our strategy expresses what we intend to achieve over the next six years. It builds on our strengths and is organised around four related themes:

Strategic Themes

Building flourishing communities

Communities flourish when they are inspired, connected, collaborative and valued. Through our strategy, we continue to develop these attributes across students, staff and alumni, and strive to be a positive influence on the communities where we are based. We shape tomorrow together to deliver benefits for all of society.

Pioneering in education

Since our foundation in 1821, we have been outward looking pioneers of education, in pursuit of knowledge to the benefit of society and the world. We offer a distinctive learning experience, enhanced by our global connectivity, and grounded in the needs of a rapidly changing world.

Excelling in research and enterprise

Our research and entrepreneurial approach place us at the forefront of academic endeavour that aims to make an outstanding impact on society. We aim to address crucial world issues through our interdisciplinary approach and close collaboration with industry and business.

Being a global, connected university

Across our five campuses and growing international communities, we work to break down any institutional barriers and further encourage outward engagement, collaboration and partnership.

To find out more about Shaping Tomorrow Together please visit our dedicated .