
Meeting the Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, replacing the millennium development goals. They set out objectives for peace, prosperity and environmental sustainability in 17 goals containing 169, targets and 5503 individual actions. The goals provide a global framework to categorise and measure progress at a global, national and institutional level. Our global progress will be analysed by the United Nations in 2030.

A look at the Sustainable Development Goals

Our ground-breaking global research across multiple disciplines and locations is helping to address the fundamental challenges we face in realising of the SDGs. Each SDG button below links to a bibliographic overview of our relevant research, and over time we will add reports that summarise the impact of this research.

Our ground-breaking global research across multiple disciplines and locations is helping to unlock the fundamental challenges standing between the aspirations of the SDGs and their realisation.

SDG Research Profiles