
Our stories

Group of workers

We were one of the pioneers of Graduate Apprenticeships when they were launched in 2017. It built on our proud history of being at the forefront of work-based learning in Scotland. Established in 1821, we've been at the heart of upskilling people to take on industry challenges for over 200 years.

Our employer partners range from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to large multinational organisations. We've partnered with companies from a wide range of sectors in the Scottish economy to help them develop their workforce, attract new talent and retain key staff.

Morgan Sindall logo, black and grey writing with a blue underline

Our industry faces daily challenges, and we need a highly trained and motivated workforce to improve productivity and maintain quality on our projects. The Graduate Apprenticeship model offers us a way to grow and sustain our business, develop a talented workforce, and prevent future skills gaps.

David Lannigan, Morgan Sindall

Hear from students and employers

On this page you can explore a range of case studies featuring students and employers. They highlight how Graduate Apprenticeships attract people of all ages and from different backgrounds, and are benefiting a wide range of employers.

Fatima Asif, Graduate Apprentice of the year 2023

I will be forever grateful for this opportunity and truly believe that this apprenticeship programme has shaped my future in a way that nothing else could have. This apprenticeship has provided me with all the skills and confidence to believe that I have what it takes to achieve all my goals.

Fatima Asif, Engineering Graduate Apprentice at Plexus, Graduate Apprentice of the Year 2023