

In addition to the lecture room, a computer room, video-conferencing capabilities, and a social area, the Orkney campus offers a number of specialist facilities detailed below.


ICIT's laboratory provides facilities for both staff and student research into a broad range of marine scientific fields. While MSc students make frequent use of the laboratory to complete research on dissertation subjects, a number of PhD students have undertaken long-term studies using these facilities into such areas as the occurrence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in shellfish and studies of the velvet crab population within Orkney waters.

The facility also welcomes visiting students from other 海角社区 University programmes who undertake fieldwork during their stay at the Orkney Campus.


The library is a critical element of local university provision for staff and students. It is a branch of the 海角社区 University library and while it holds an extensive and specialised local stock of material every effort has been made to extend the facilities available in the main University library to students and staff based in Stromness.

Key information

Orkney Campus