Blue economy
We are research leaders across key Blue Economy sectors from aquaculture and marine biotechnology to tourism, energy and marine renewables.

The sustainable management of our seas is fundamental to the wellbeing of people and the economy. This frontier research focuses on the stewardship of our blue resources, for the improvement of human wellbeing and social equity, while reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.
Building on the established research our The Lyell Centre Global Research Institute and our International Centre of Island Technology, part of Orkney Research and Innovation Campus, we are ideally placed - in collaboration with business, public sector and the local community - to help position Scotland at the forefront of the international Blue Economy.
Read more about: The Lyell Centre, ICIT,
Our impact
Our research activity is driven by delivering real results with far-reaching impact.
Our interdiscplinary research spans engineering and energy, physical, social and life sciences, business and design, in areas as diverse as photonics to carbon capture to homelessness.
Whisky chasers
A nutritionally perfect fish food from whisky by-products, transforming a historically underused by-product and increased the sustainability of various distillery processes.
Scientists aim to restore oyster population
For the first time in a century, thousands of oysters will once again populate a picturesque stretch of water in north Scotland.
Latest news
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