
Blue lights joined at angles to create a network against a dark background
Frontier research

Mathematical Sciences

Future-shaping and world-leading research that generates ideas, develops models and applies expertise for the benefit of science and society.

Maths equations on a black background


Our research covers all areas of modern mathematics from pure to applied; from geometry and topology to mathematical physics and computational mathematics, statistics and actuarial mathematics.

A recurring theme in today's world is the need to model uncertainty; in risk, in probability and statistics, in disease progression and spread. Operational research too, is a driver in global economies, applying advanced mathematical methods to help make better decisions for business and social policy.

Through our leading partnership with the University of Edinburgh, the Maxwell Institute, our research provides solutions to global problems.

Data points on a graph

How do we do this?

The Maxwell Institute combines our Departments of Mathematics and Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, with Edinburgh's School of Mathematics. Ranked 1st in Scotland for world-leading research and equal 1st in the UK for world-leading and internationally excellent research environment, our Mathematical Sciences generates global impact.

This research has been funded by awards worth millions of pounds, from the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Scottish Funding Council.

Read more on ,  and our Mathematical Sciences research.

Mathematical Sciences research

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